Study of the development related to the rejuvenating age structu-re in the community of Átány


  • Borbála Tóth student – Hungarian University of Life Sciences Author



village survey, Átány, age structure, developments, ageing index, kindergarten development


In my study, I examine the developments related to the rejuvenating age structure of the village of Átány in relation to Heves County, mainly in relation to the interval since the previous (2014) Átány village survey. First, I present the evolution of population trends through the share of the permanent population aged 0-7, the dependency ratio of the young (0-14 years old) and the change in the ageing index. Closely related to this, I also illustrate the number of children enrolled in kindergarten as a share of the resident population aged 3-6. In addition, by focusing on the kindergarten in Átány, using the available secondary data, a complete picture of kindergarten development and investment related to the municipality's rejuvenating age structure can be obtained.


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How to Cite

Study of the development related to the rejuvenating age structu-re in the community of Átány. (2023). ACTA REGIONIS RURUM, 17, 33-40.