The Way of Making Friendships and the Friendships of the 12-Year-Old Pupils in School
In my paper, I examine the twelve-year-olds friend relations and friendship habits, in particular, the schoolfriendships. Theschoolfriendships significantly determine the children's behaviour within the walls of the school and outside. The pupils of four sixth-grade classes in two Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county elementary schools completed the sociometry and the questionnaire about friendship habits. I have tried to find out what friendship means to the twelve-year-old pupils; where they study and how they make friendships, and type of township and sex that takes into account to differentiate the students' habits of friendship and friend relations. According to the results, type of township and sex doesn’t affect the friendship. I presume that this phenomenon may be explained by Internet use increased, which eliminates the difficulties caused by geographical distance.
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