Centenary of Economical Teacher Training


  • Judit Neszt Kecskeméti Főiskola TFK, Debreceni Egyetem Humán Tudományok Doktori Iskola


The aim of our research was to define the number and the localization of the teacher training secondary schools for junior classes in Hungary between 1828 and 1945.
The scratch of our work was the recognition, that there isn’t a single work, which reports the punctual number of these schools, or their regional position. During our research wefound two schools, that didn’t suit to the system of teachers training. These schools ensured agricultural vocational training for chartered teachers. This type of school was unique in the examined period, as there was no other opportunity for the infant school teachers to pass into any higher school.
The agricultural training of the primary school teachers was an important task in the 19,h century. The first attempt for teaching agrarian skills was in 1780 in Tessedik’s school at Szarvas. The second important step was the 38"’ Act in 1868, which was ordered the teaching of agricultural subjects. Unfortunately his curriculums defined low numbers for the lessons, so the future teacher’s preparedness was not adequate. To solve the problem the Ministry of Church and Education established two vocational schools in 1910. One of them was located in Komárom for men, and the other was in Kecskemét for women.

Author Biography

  • Judit Neszt, Kecskeméti Főiskola TFK, Debreceni Egyetem Humán Tudományok Doktori Iskola

    főiskolai tanársegéd, PhD-hallgató


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A M. Kir. Földmivelésügyi Minisztérium fenhatósága alatt álló kecskeméti M. Kir. gazdasági Szaktanitónőképzö Intézet értesítője az ... tanévről. 1930/31. 1931. szerk. Aigner Gusztáv

Az 1868. évi XXXVIII. törvénycikk a népiskolai közoktatás tárgyában. http://www.1000ev.hu/index.php?a=3&param=5360 [2010. június 3.]






How to Cite

Centenary of Economical Teacher Training. (2009). Training and Practice : Journal of Educational Sciences, 7(1-2), 167-174. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/trainingandpractice/article/view/5363