Maieutics and Paideia. Socrates as a Gifted Educator


  • Gábor Molnár Kaposvári Egyetem PK, Társadalomtudományi Tanszék



The paper confronts, and tries to synthesize, two theories of intellectual innovation, Jan Assmann’s theory of hypolepsis and Randall Collins’s theory of intellectual ritual chains. After comparing them theoretically, the Socratic art of midwifery (maieutics) expounded in Plato’s Theaetetus is used as a case study. The theoretical analyses conclude that-despite their seeming conflict concerning the role of rituality in intellectual creativity-the two theories in fact complement each other since hypoleptic intertextuality and face-to-face interaction rituals between intellectuals can only promote creativity synergically. As for Socrates, the paper concludes that although his maieutic art can be accounted for in terms of the theory of intellectual ritual chains, the development of hypoleptic intertextuality awaited his pupils, especially Plato, who transplanted Socratic conversations into writing.

Author Biography

  • Gábor Molnár, Kaposvári Egyetem PK, Társadalomtudományi Tanszék

    PhD, egyetemi adjunktus


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How to Cite

Maieutics and Paideia. Socrates as a Gifted Educator. (2009). Training and Practice : Journal of Educational Sciences, 7(1-2), 50-63.