Hunting and game management skills among teacher candidates
Hunting and game management skills play a crucial role in the cognition process of the children while they are getting to know the world. Nowadays children spend a short time outdoors, so they lack knowledge about the forest, forest animals, hunting, hunters and game management. How much does a practising kindergarten teacher know about wildlife, hunting and game management? Does the teacher transfer information/ knowledge about the areas of getting active knowledge about the outside world/ environmental education within the education area? It is time to conduct research regarding hunting and game management among children, parents and teachers/ would-be teachers, since knowledge-based intermediaries with the right knowledge are needed for the growing generation in order to acquire skills, capabilities and ability in this area. This will also be the basis for making interest regarding science a reality from a young age and will make it possible to achieve that the upcoming generation should have the appropriate knowledge and attitude to develop the habits of an environmentally conscious lifestyle and to preserve the biosphere.
The aim of the research is to assess the knowledge of the practising kindergarten teachers in the field of hunting, game management and the main game species.
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