Determinants of deprivation in Turkey, a logistic regression analysis


  • Brúder Emese Szent István Egyetem
  • Obádovics Csilla Soproni Egyetem
  • Ünal Hakan Szent Istvan University, PhD Candidate, Doctoral School of Management and Business Administration



Poverty, Deprivation, Logit model, Determinants of poverty, Turkey


The main goal of this paper is to analyse factors which increase the probability of becoming poor, as well as to estimate which characteristics raises the risk of becoming poor. We use a logit model, which is a flexible way to seek determinants of a phenomena. None of the poverty literature denies the role of education and employment status in becoming poor. However, we test the contribution of other explanatory variables to look at poverty from different approaches. Deprivation index will be used as measure of poverty. We use 2016 wave of SILC data provided by Turkish Statistical Institution.


Szerző életrajzok

  • Brúder Emese, Szent István Egyetem

    assistant professor

  • Obádovics Csilla, Soproni Egyetem

    full professor

  • Ünal Hakan, Szent Istvan University, PhD Candidate, Doctoral School of Management and Business Administration

    PhD candidate


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Hogyan kell idézni

Brúder, E., Obádovics, C., & Hakan, Ünal. (2019). Determinants of deprivation in Turkey, a logistic regression analysis. Studia Mundi – Economica, 6(2), 102-112.

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