The Effect of the Nitrogen Fertilisation on the Sap-sucking Herbivorous Insects (Insecta, Hemiptera) and on the Host Plant Tolerance
A Review I: Correlation and Explanations
host plants, nutrients, tolerance, nitrogen fertilization, agricultureAbsztrakt
In this article the available information on the effects of host plant’s nitrogen fertilisation on the preference/performance of the sap-sucking insects (Hemiptera) and on host plants tolerance is reviewed. There is a very strong general tendency that nitrogen fertilisation increases the preference/performance of the sap sucking insects. Important exceptions are known, when the excessive nitrogen fertilisation decreases the preference/performance of the hemipteran herbivores. Host plant tolerance usually improves with nitrogen fertilisation: exceptions are known when the herbivore is very efficient in exploiting the host plants nitrogen content. Relationship is affected by the host plants and herbivore’s genotype and by the type and the mode of application of the fertiliser. Direct underlining causes are complex and still not entirely known. Nitrogen fertilisation can affect the herbivore through changing the concentrations and ratios of the available nutrients in the plants and/or changing the concentrations of the host plant’s defensive chemicals.
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