A fajtaválasztás jelentősége a termőhelyhez igazított tápanyag-utánpótlási szaktanácsadás szempontjából
variety selection, nutrient uptake, expert advice, microelement fertilizerAbstract
The issue of variety selection is becoming more and more difficult these days. It is almost impossible to find a variety that has good productivity and adapts well to extreme weather without experimentation. Variety lines are set up in several places in the country, but they are not treated with the same technology, so it is difficult to decide what results a variety will produce in another place. We were looking for the answer to this, how the wheat varieties in several counties of Dunántúl react with our technology using our own cold-mixed fertilizer. With the help of the data, we try to provide valuable information to the producers who use our expert advisory system to choose the right variety.
Bocz E. 1992. Szántóföldi növénytermesztés. Mezőgazda Kiadó. Budapest, 240.
Dr. Győri D. 1984. A talaj termékenysége. Mezőgazdasági Kiadó. Budapest, 220.
Copyright (c) 2022 Mónika Kállai, Balázs Szabó

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