

Kaposvár University, Kaposvár, Guba S. Str. 40.,
New teaching building, Nr. 170 lectures hall
27 September 2018 (Thursday)

Plenary session (15-minute-long presentations + 5-minute-long discussion)

From 12.00 Registration, snacks

13.00-13.10 Opening Ceremony (Kaposvár University, Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture)

13:10-13:30 Orsolya Szigeti (Kaposvár University, dean): The place and role of innovation

and food marketing at Kaposvár University

13:30-13:50 Darko Karic (Podravka, managing director) - currently under discussion

13:50-14:10 Márton Oravecz (National Food Chain Safety Agency, president) - currently under discussion

14:10-14:30 Ede Lázár (Sapientia University, dean): Innovation in the case of Székelyföld (Transylvania) local products

14:30-14:50 László Daróczi (Agricultural Marketing Center, managing director) - currently under discussion

14:50-15:10 Tamás Éder (Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture, National Association of Food Processors) - under discussion

15:10-15:30 Break (coffee, product tasting)

15:30-16:30 Roundtable discussion

  • Pannon Gastronomic Academy - Balázs Csapody (chairman)
  • Balaton Circle - Bence Laposa (chairman)
  • South Transdanubian Regional Food Innovation Cluster and its member companies
  • Ede Lázár (GÓBÉ products)
  • The Treasure of Kaposvár trademark system
  • SPAR
  • Hungarian Marketing Association - Gedeon Totth
  • Food magazine - Dóra Ács

Registration for the Conference: