A Fino-Food Kft.-nél végzett termékinnováció fogyasztói megítélése az egalizált súlyú sajtok piacán


  • Linda Egyed Fino-food Kft. (Fino-food Ltd) H-7400 Kaposvár, Izzó u. 9.
  • Zoltán Szakály Kaposvári Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Marketing és Kereskedelem Tanszék (University of Kaposvár, Faculty of Economics, Department of Marketing and Trade) H-7400 Kaposvár, Guba S. u. 40.
  • Viktória Szente Kaposvári Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Marketing és Kereskedelem Tanszék (University of Kaposvár, Faculty of Economics, Department of Marketing and Trade) H-7400 Kaposvár, Guba S. u. 40.
  • Orsolya Szigeti Kaposvári Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Marketing és Kereskedelem Tanszék (University of Kaposvár, Faculty of Economics, Department of Marketing and Trade) H-7400 Kaposvár, Guba S. u. 40.
  • Zsolt Polereczki Kaposvári Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Marketing és Kereskedelem Tanszék (University of Kaposvár, Faculty of Economics, Department of Marketing and Trade) H-7400 Kaposvár, Guba S. u. 40.


The Fino-food Ltd. in Kaposvár cooperated with the Marketing and Trade Department of the Kaposvár University, Faculty of Economics to develop two dairy products in the course of a Baross Gábor project. It aimed to define the optimal weight of packaging, in other words to find the ideal „dose” of the product where its „optical” price is still accepted. One of the chosen products was the mini trappist cheese ripened for 35 days. The other one was the fat reduced „Fittimo” which targets the diet oriented consumers through its low energy content. Two different target groups were defined. One of the groups was the young, single, or living with a partner or one or two younger children. The other one was made up of people living in a large family with two or three older children. We carried out focus group researches to reveal their opinion about their cheese buying and consumption habits, their point of view on the examined goods, and on the other hand to reveal their expectations about packaging and price. The following step was to define the products’ enjoyment value, the possible way of positioning and different parts of the marketing strategy. The young consumer group considers cheese as a common part of their everyday meals. In case of trappist cheese they often meet poor quality ones; therefore the well known brands are preferred by them. They mentioned about the trappist cheese that the round shape, 30 dkg package would be preferred by them because this quantity can be consumed without going bad by a smaller family or a single person as well. This product is accepted at the price of HUF 620. On the other hand Fittimo is preferred in sliced, 20 dkg packaged form because this is the maximum quantity with acceptable price if regarding its expensive price per kilogram. The older consumer group can be called the „large consumers” of cheeses. They often buy large quantity of cheeses and on the other hand they are looking for the basic categories, saying: „Poorer quality at lower price is suitable for grating”. Cheese is frequently consumed as an ingredient of cold and hot dishes by them, but products with higher culinary value are rarer in their baskets. They mentioned that mini trappist wouldbe preferred in 20 dkg packaging at about HUF 410 because the competitor sliced products have the same price category. The sliced form of packaging is believed to be attractive because its healthy character is more perceptible in that way. Packaging of 100 gramms would be acceptable for the older age-group because its price is still affordable in this case. On the other hand they mentioned that this product is mainly bought by the woman occasionally.




