Táplálkozás, fogyasztás és életmód a rendszerváltás utáni Magyarországon


  • Ákos Kozák GfK Hungária Piackutató Intézet (GfK Hungaria Market Research Institute) H-1132 Budapest, Visegrádi u. 31.


This paper presents the most important results of GfK Hungária Market Research Institute’s study series dealing with culinary culture during the past 20 years. It can be interesting in itself that what kind of new groups of questions were involved in the research. Surveys running at the beginning of the nineties contained only a few questions in connection with health-consciousness beyond the basic ones on food consumption. Later questions dealing with consumer consciousness and consumer patriotism were involved in the examination, then themes relating to gene manipulated products and functional foods received place parallel with the broadening food portfolio. However, if we take only the basic features of the food consumption, we are facing an exciting data line, starting from the popularity and consumer frequency of different breads to the opinions related to the consumption of the different meats. It is almost a basic hypothesis that culinary habits do not exist in themselves, but they are tightly connected to a consumer behaviour, moreover, to a culture defined in a wider sense. In this field, just like in other segments of life and consumer universe, trends, anti-trends, fashiontrends and newer-fashion trends appear at accelerating speed. The enlargement of the interpretational framework is also served by that I am presenting the results based on the consumer segments, relying not only on the consumer groups analyzed by traditionally known marketing research methods, but with the help of more modern clusters developed by consumption sociology methodology.




