Consumers' Estimation of the Poultry Products
The meat, especially the poultry meat is the main protein-source for us: the protein content of the fowls is between 20,9-24,7%. The consumption of the „white meat” is not only healthy, however essential for the human body. The chicken-meats are more digestible than beef or pork, of course, only if we eat it without their skin. It is important, because the fatdeposits of the poultry are in the connective tissue, under the skin. The fat content depends on the species and the part of body too. In our work we made scientific investigation about Hungarian consumers’ habit in the field of poultry products. For the sake of the cause we carried out quantitative marketing research. We made a representative 1000-persons-questionnaire fact-finding. The base of the sample-selection was the last census data of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office. The applied questionnaire content 5 main parts: Consumption habits of poultry products; Purchasing habits of poultry products; Image-examination of processing factories; Demographical data; Life-stile examination. In this article we would like to show the main results of our searching. The consumption of red (pork and beef) meat and white (poultry) meat is balanced, but it is moved away the flows. Hungarian people eat poultry meat averagely on 139 occasions every year, it is more, than the cases of consumption of the other meats (pork: 128, beef: 24 per year). The answerers eat the poultry-meat, because „it is healthy” (45%) or „I like more than the others meat” (33,5%). The Codex Alimentarius Hungaricus makes a group of poultry products; we examined 9 classes of these products. In the analysis of consumption- frequency, came to light, that the answerers mostly eat the „red products” (large sized sausage) and cold cuts about on 100 occasions per year. The popularity of them shows parallel with the frequency, but hams „won” they reached 3,67 average point, the red products only 3,38. We examined the importance of the product-choice factors from the 13 listed parameters. In opinion of people the most important factors are: the standard quality, the taste of products, the hygienic and the appearance. The less important are the knowing, the advertising, the label of the products and the name of the processing factory. Relying on the strength of these findings we advice to think over the marketing strategy of the poultry branch, apply the common marketing, give information for consumers from a trustworthy source and put in the centre of the production the quality and the hygienic.