Innováció és termékfejlesztés a Nestlénél


  • Zsuzsanna Szűcs Nestlé Hungária Kft., Corporate Communication Department and Corporate Affairs Department H-1013 Budapest, Ybl M. tér 8.
  • Csaba Csontos Nestlé Hungária Kft., Corporate Communication Department and Corporate Affairs Department H-1013 Budapest, Ybl M. tér 8.


Nestlé is the largest food and beverage manufacturer in the world. Nestlé is focusing on the continuous product development and innovation, the research activity and the development of the consumer information and education. The major research areas of the NRC are: individualised nutrition, healthy ageing, reinforcing the immune system, digestive efficiency and growth. In the process of the product innovation beside the laboratory tests Nestlé developed a so-called 60/40+ consumer test. The product development is considered successful if 60 percent of the panel evaluate the Nestlé product better than the competitor’s product. The + means that the Nestlé product should have nutritional superiority in comparison with the competitor’s product. Nestlé lays a great emphasis on the consumer information. Therefore in year 2005 Nestlé introduced a so-called nutritional compass system on the back of the packs. This year Nestlé will introduce a new informational system on the packaging. The basis of it will be the so-called GDA (Guideline Daily Amount). Nestlé lays a big emphasis on the stakeholder dialogue and information. For the employees Nestlé organises nutritional trainings. For the stakeholders out of the company Nestlé introduced a nutritional educational programme for school children, established an Internet based advisory surface and organises open-university style lectureship.




