A közösségi marketing lehetőségei a kiegyensúlyozott táplálkozásra irányuló kommunikációban


  • Gedeon Totth FVM AMC. Kht. H-1042 Budapest, Árpád u. 51-53.


The idea of Collective Marketing was drawn after the Great Depression. Experts realised that agrarian production has some specialities that require special marketing support. The Collective Marketing is a kind of marketing activity which helps the whole agricultural industry with the cooperation of marketing and agrarian experts and parttakers. FVM AMC Kht., the collective agricultural organisation was founded in 1996 for that reason. In the presentation we would like to answer some questions about how the CM could use its means to helping agricultural industry and healthy nutrition. How it can support the manufacturers to produce and offer healthy food, and how the Collective Market can help the competitiveness of these products. We would like to show you the activities of the AMC, especially the one which refers to this conference, the „Eat vegetables and fruits 3 times a day for your health” programme. We are going to present the collective marketing activity for bio foods and bio products. And we are drawing up how the AMC will try to support balanced and healthy nutrition in the future.




