Marketingkihívások a funkcionális élelmiszerek piacán


  • Zoltán Szakály Kaposvári Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Marketing és Kereskedelem Tanszék (Kaposvár University, Faculty of Economics, Department of Marketing and Trade) H-7400 Kaposvár, Guba S. u. 40.


If we compare the structure of the Hungarian food consumption with the relating data of 15 developed EU countries, we can state that the consumption of those foods that are advised to consume more from by nutrition scientists is higher, and the consumption of those ones that are advised to consume less from by nutrition scientists is lower than in Hungary. The quantity and compound of food consumption specific the intake of the different nutrients as well. Due to the low milk consumption the Ca intake of the Hungarian population is unfavourable and it results in the osteoporosis of more than 1 million people. The same connection can be traced between CLA-consumption and deaths caused by different cancers. Based on the analysis it is obvious that the nutrient intake of the Hungarian population – despite the improving food consumption tendencies – is still very far from optimum. The outlined scientific facts are a good base for the development and promotion of functional foods in Hungary. The marketing challenges of functional foods are specified with the help of a model by the author. Entering the market is threatened basically by two factors: the relative underdevelopment of technology (Type-II error), as well as the unfavourable acceptance of new products by the consumers (Type-I error). The consequences are serious in both cases: there is no demand for the new product and the rival knows our strategy. For most Hungarian consumers clear and chemical-free products are ideal (just like in other Eastern-European countries), and they are followed in order of importance by products that are enriched in different vitamins and minerals. The least important standpoints for the Hungarian consumers are reduction in different ingredients like fat, sugar or sodium. The results raise the question: can the Hungarian functional food market be segmented at all? According to the researches 3 well defined consumer segments can be distinguished: the modern innovator (4,2%), the modern trend follower (26,7%), as well as those who prefer traditional values (28,4%). The author verifies with researches the different values represented by each segment appear integrated mainly in the marketing communication of multinational food companies, that is the producers are prepared to serve the market. But the question remains: do the Hungarian consumers know the different basic nutrition notions? According to our researches 62% of the Hungarian consumers cannot make out the word „probiotic” at all. 44% of the consumers do not know the physiological benefits of CLA, and other 46% have never heard of it. 70% of the questioned people have never heard the expression „functional food”. The author’s final conclusion is that in Hungary the introduction of the functional foods into the market is mainly hindered by type-I error, the lack of consumers’ information and low health consciousness.




