Az elhízás világjelenség


  • László Halmy Magyar Elhízástudományi Társaság (Hungarian Society of Obesitology) H-1121 Budapest, Budakeszi út 48/b


In contrary to WHO statement of 1998 obesity is far not taken as a disease but an aesthetic phenomenon resulting from surplus energy intake and from a diet accompanied with lack of movement. In fact, both factors are playing a key role in development of obesity either in individual or social context. The basic question is how the disequilibrium between energy intake and output can occur. Apart genetic, hormonal and metabolic factors social control of food intake, influencing aspects of motorization and computerization, ‘seated fulfillment’ of social and cultural needs, diminishing efforts on hobby sports are implying a modified environment. Civilization and economic development has changed our eating habits and culture, the size of portions as well as the composition and inner balance of our foods.




