Szinbiotikus fermentált tejkészítmények kifejlesztése és forgalmazása Magyarországon


  • Béla Schäffer Magyar Tejgazdasági Kísérleti Intézet (Hungarian Dairy Research Institute) H-7623 Pécs, Tüzér u. 15.
  • Rezsőné Francz Dráva-Tej Kft. (Dráva-Tej Co. Ltd.) H-7570 Barcs, Mészégető út 187.
  • Beáta Keller Pécsi Milker Élelmiszertudományi Kft. (Pécsi Milker Food Science Co. Ltd.) H-7622 Pécs, Nyírfa u. 2/a.
  • Béla Szily Magyar Tejgazdasági Kísérleti Intézet (Hungarian Dairy Research Institute) H-7623 Pécs, Tüzér u. 15.
  • Sándor Szakály Magyar Tejgazdasági Kísérleti Intézet (Hungarian Dairy Research Institute) H-7623 Pécs, Tüzér u. 15.


Synbiotic products are the products fermented by a probiotic effect culture, and which also contain prebiotics (oligosaccharide). The Hungarian Dairy Research Institute has proved by in vitro experiments that a strain isolated by the Institute itself and a mixed culture are probiotic. Probiotic kefir made with Prebiolact-2 strain was subjected to clinical tests. The Prebiolact-2 strain was selected for this purpose due to its high viscosity, proliferation temperature near to body temperature, moderate acid production, high cholesterol decreasing, high acid and bilious salt tolerance and increased exopolysaccharide (EPS)-production. It has been stated that during 4-week-consumption the ratio of probiotic microbe groups of the faeces increased from 12.7% to 72% at the expense of putrefactive microbes. As a consequence the total cholesterol level of persons consuming probiotic kefir significantly decreased by 4.9% by the end of 2nd week, by 5.6% after 4 weeks, and the triglyceride level by 10.7% by the end of 2nd week and by 16.4% after 4 weeks. During research three products and processes separately patented were developed, i.e. probiotic sour cream, probiotic butter cream and probiotic kefir. Synbiotic version of the probiotic kefir has been distributed in Hungary since summer of 2005 in an average amount of 4000 half litre pcs/month.




