Market analysis of the canned vegetable- and fruit products


  • Ágoston Temesi University of Kaposvár, Faculty of Economics
  • Viktória Szente University of Kaposvár, Faculty of Economics


The Hungarian canned food industry is facing transition and definitely serial factory shutting downs. Smaller companies are most
affected, though some of the large ones will have to cease production in the next few years, too. Inland firms have lost marketing positions,
while the import goods'market penetration is increasing. All canned food companies challenge "healthy lifestyle" as consumers
tend to think these products unhealthy.
In-depth interviews with canned food factory sales managers, consumer focus group interviews at two locations, and consumer questionings
led us to the strategic propositions that we would like to put to the inland canned food factory participants. We recommend
to enhance the brands, to improve their reputation, to utilize more and proper advertising, to emphasize canned foods'Hungarian origins
and healthiness that already exists. Innovations should result in healthier products. It is vital to improve the effectiveness of the
sector. Strategy must be realized by each factory individually, while in some cases smaller companies should join or the sector should
utilize collective marketing.




