Environmental attitudes and ecologically conscious consumer behaviour in Hungary


  • Katalin Schäfferné Dudás University of Pécs, Faculty of Business and Economics


To solve ecological problems the contribution of international organizations, national governments, civil organizations, companies,
academic researchers, and individuals is required. The unsustainable buyer, consumer and user patterns have to be changed.
Fortunately, nowadays there are more and more efforts on the part of consumers, according to the results of consumer researches ecological
consciousness of consumers is ascendant over the world. The ecologically conscious consumer segment persistently rises, and
this segment can be featured accurately not by demographic, but by psychographic variables. Individuals have several opportunities
to lower own environment use, one form of it is proenvironmental purchasing behaviour (Buy eco-labelled products, organic food or
energy-efficient household appliances, refuse animal tested cosmetics, disposable products and plastic bags, etc.). According to our
research, the Hungarian population have positive general environmental attitudes and can be divided into five clusters: Neglectful
townspeople, Environment sensitive people, Distance-keeping inquirers, Doubters, and Responsibility-taking countrymen. Hungarian
people are not environmentally conscious in their purchases. In demographics gender, age and education have a weak or possibly a
medium, property status and residence has a strong, significant influence. Positive attitudes increase while negative attitudes decrease
the possibilities of such activities.




