Organic Milk Production and Consumtion in the Mirror of Dietetics Researches


  • Viktória Szente Kaposvári Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Piacgazdasági és Marketing Tanszék (University of Kaposvár, Faculty of Economics, Department of Marketing) H-7400 Kaposvár, Guba S. u. 40.
  • Zoltán Szakály Kaposvári Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Piacgazdasági és Marketing Tanszék (University of Kaposvár, Faculty of Economics, Department of Marketing) H-7400 Kaposvár, Guba S. u. 40.


The first two chapters of the study deal with organic production and inside it with organic milk production and consumption. Organic animal farming is not wide-spread in Hungary and its growth is a slow process. The biggest leap forward can be experienced among cattle livestock four years resproctively both of milk and beef production. Fortunately national processing is assured, so the producers are not exposed to the affection of the export markets’ fluctuation. On the other hand the consumers’ expectations are better known. Despite this, the consump-tion of organic milk and dairy products is not substantial and is hardly detectable statistically. In the third chapter the authors show those animal raising, feeding and animal healthcare regulations that have an effect on the conjugated linoleic acid and vitamin content of organic milk. According to the results of human health research the reasons of the leading diseases (heart- and cardiovascular system, malignant tumours) show a close relation with human nutrition. Therefore the topic of animal origin product quality affecting the human sanitary receives increasing attention. The content and proportion of the saturated and unsaturated fatty acids and the content of vitamins and macro- and micro elements are in the centre of interest, which justifies the present study. The main parameters of ecological milk are shown in the mirror of international researches with special regard to the CLA and vitamin content of milk. In the fourth chapter we show the main nutritional advantages of organic milk in the mirror of international examinations putting on emphasis on the conjugated linoleic acid and vitamin content of the milk. Salubrity stands in the background of the customers’ decision-making and with that high quality and chemical exemption so they are considered the consumers’ basic expectation. Due to the composition of organic milk it can meet the demands, and the nutritional benefits (supported by researches) can be put in the centre of the marketing communication. The nutritional value is also a stress-ful part of the other parts of marketing-mix. The controlled, first-class organic product should be placed in the centre of product strategy, which meets the consumers’ expectations because of the high rate of the CLA and vitamins. The price sensitivity of the consumers may be reduced by higher added value of the„curative” organic milk.




