A hazai élelmiszerek megítélésének és preferenciájának vizsgálata egy magyar és egy külföldi élelmiszer-üzletlánc vásárlói körében – 1. rész


  • Judit Hámori Központi Élelmiszer-tudományi Kutatóintézet, Élelmiszergazdasági és Minőségügyi Osztály (Central Food Research Institute, Unit of Food Economy and Quality) H-1022 Budapest, Herman Ottó u. 15.
  • Ágnes Horváth Szent István Egyetem, Marketing Intézet (Szent István University, Marketing Institute) H-2103 Gödöllő, Páter Károly u. 1.


One of the typical features of food consumption trends nowadays is that instead of the delectability of foods rather the convenience and health factors are highlighted. One of the latest stations of this rearrangement is that consumers tend to give higher and higher priority to ethical factors. So the empirical product qualities are gradually thrown into the background, while the confidential-type information is appreciated in the buyers’ information seeking and evaluating process. It is a typically ethical behaviour if one prefers domestic products to foreign ones, supposing that the aim is to support the national economy. The ethnocentrism strengthens the preference of domestic products. The ethnocentric consumer gives greater consideration to the information on the country of origin than the non-ethnocentric one . The ethnocentrism can significantly influence the country origin image if otherwise there is not too much information. During the survey a standardised questionnaire was used among the buyers of a Hungarian and a foreign store chain. We analysed the data with SPSS 16.0 statistical software. The main objective of our research is to determine the peculiarities of the most typical food consumption trends among Hungarian buyers and the possible traces of ratio changes among the elements of food consumer behaviour as regards demand for domestic products.




