Az egészségmegőrzés aspektusai: mit gondolnak a hazai fogyasztók az egészségről, az egészséges táplálkozásról és a wellness egészségvédő szerepéről


  • Mónika Fodor Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola, Külkereskedelmi Kar, Kereskedelem és Marketing Intézeti Tanszék
  • Katalin Szabad Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola, Rektori Hivatal
  • Tibor Pál Szilágyi Szent István Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Gazdálkodás- és Szervezéstudományok Doktori Iskola


Domestic and international trend research results prove that the role of health will become more and more important. Health cannot be interpreted as an abstract value any more. It appears in several forms in our lives, and has a considerable effect on our consumer behaviour, on the structure of our preference list. Therefore, we aim to examine the consumers’ opinion about health preservation. In this paper the most important preliminary results of our research project will be presented. During the primary research we analysed the Hungarian consumers' opinion about healthy nutrition and the opportunities for health preservation. We examined separately the means of wellness as a life philosophy, its role in conservations about health. We also analysed what kinds of communicational sources are preferred by consumers during their health-related information collection processes. During the primary research, pre-tested standardised questionnaires were conducted. We used the snowballtype sample taking method, which resulted in 957 completed questionnaires. On the basis on our research results we suggest what kinds of marketing activities would be possible to use to more efficiently communicate the importance of health preservation. We propose what kind of marketing communication sources could be used to successfully reach the target group.




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