Examination of water and salt stress for five different maize hybrids


  • Ádám Komlósi Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Irrigation and Land Improvement, Hungary, e-mail: adamkomlosi24@gmail.com https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8806-9237
  • Zoltán Futó Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Irrigation and Land Improvement, Hungary, e-mail: futo.zoltan@uni-mate.hu
  • Bencze Gábor Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Irrigation and Land Improvement, Hungary, e-mail: bencze.gabor@uni-mate.hu




SPAD, LAI, Drought-stress, Corn


In today's climatic conditions, the yield-reducing effects of drought are increasingly being felt. Farmers should take every opportunity to mitigate these effects. Irrigation is the easiest and most effective way to eliminate the damage caused by drought, however, a new promising method has also emerged in hybrid production. The production of drought-tolerant hybrids is a new trend that can easily affect the amount and quality of crops to be harvested in a drought year. In the course of the research, we investigate the drought responses of different hybrids, in different water doses, in an environment closed from external precipitation in several replicates.

Author Biography

  • Ádám Komlósi, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Irrigation and Land Improvement, Hungary, e-mail: adamkomlosi24@gmail.com

    corresponding author


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How to Cite

Komlósi, Ádám, Futó, Z., & Bencze, G. (2022). Examination of water and salt stress for five different maize hybrids. COLUMELLA – Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 9(2), 155-166. https://doi.org/10.18380/SZIE.COLUM.2022.9.2.155

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