Effect of micro-algae supplementation on some meat parameters of broiler chickens
micro-algae, feed, broilerAbstract
The micro-algae can be produce in a more cost-effective way with industrial biotechnological methods, so they have become cheaper for the feed industry.
In our experience we studied Cobb 500 cockerels (n=80) devided into two groups: control (C) and algae-completed feed (A) group (n=40). In the feed of experimental group was 5 % Schizochytrium limacinum micro-algae.
During the growing period the bodyweight of the birds differed significantly only on day 10 (p<0.05) (C: 257.33g; A: 285.33g). During this period we also detected a difference in the feed consumption (C: 283.7g; A: 321.4g). The feed conversion was better in the algae-feeded (A) group except for the first measuring time. However, none of the differences was proved to be significant.
By meat colour measuring (CIELAB L*a*b*) the groups did not differ significantly, but in the algae feeded group the meat was redder and because of this, the colour difference was ’noticable’ (rE*KA: 1.67). Thawing loss did not differ significantly (p= 0.1045 (C: 7.59%; A: 5.27%), neither did the cooking loss (p= 0.646) (C: 10.24%; A: 10.77%) or the cooling loss (p= 0.341) (C: 8.154%; A: 8.85%). In case of shear force, there was no significant differences between the groups (p=0,2839) (C: 3,57 kg, A 3,74 kg).
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http1: http://www.innoteka.hu/cikk/algak_mikromeretben_hatalmas_ lehetosegek.542.html 2017. 09. 12.
Copyright (c) 2017 Németh Tibor, Podmaniczky Béla, Szabó Rubina Tünde, Bodnár Ákos, Póti Péter, Kenéz Csaba, Kovács-Weber Mária
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