A Rio de Janeiro-i Püspöki Konferencia (1955) és a Latin-Amerikai általános Zsinat (1899) párhuzamai a Szentszék Latin-Amerika politikájának tükrében


  • Emőke Horváth Miskolci Egyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar


Episcopal conference, church history, politics


Pope Pius XII convened in Rio de Janeiro in 1955, an Episcopal conference of the Latin American Bishops. Despite of that it was an epoch-making event, the meeting had very little attention in the historical research related to the Latin American church history. The members of the conference established the Latin American Episcopal Council (Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano, CELAM) which became the ecclesiastical center of the region within the Catholic church. The presentation analyzes the factors that led the Vatican and the Latin American church convening the first general episcopal meeting of the subcontinent.


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Political Ideologies in Latin America

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A Rio de Janeiro-i Püspöki Konferencia (1955) és a Latin-Amerikai általános Zsinat (1899) párhuzamai a Szentszék Latin-Amerika politikájának tükrében. (2012). Acta Scientiarum Socialium, 36, 45-52. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/asc/article/view/406