Ha a hallgató vizsgáztat – elégedettségi vizsgálat a Campus Fesztivál 2013-on


  • Éva Bácsné Bába


higher education, students' festivals, quality management


If the student tests – satisfaction survey at Campus Fest 2013. The amount of young people’s free time increases significantly in summer. At this time of the year music festivals have an important role in meeting the recreational needs of this generation. In our country several thousands of festivals are organised, but only two of them focus on students in higher education as their target audience. Campus Festival has been held in our city, Debrecen, since 2008. A significant number of its visitors are higher education students. Festival visitors have filled in a questionnaire of satisfaction. Through the statistical analysis of the data provided by the questionnaire, it is possible to assess from what source the students obtain information about the festival, what entertainment forms they prefer, what the main factors determining their satisfaction with the event are, and what participation tendencies can be expected in the future.
On the whole, the findings of the satisfaction survey show a positive picture of Campus Festival. The organisers reached the target audience, as most of the visitors were aged between 21 and 24, who came mainly from the region. 
It is interesting that the festival visitors heard about the event mostly from friends and people they know. At the same time, the role of the Internet also increased in obtaining information compared to earlier years. The interviewed people were satisfied with the 
information they found on the Facebook page and the website of Campus Festival. 
For the visitors of the festival the music programmes were the most important ones. They especially favoured rock music, but also liked pop, drum and bass, and dance music. Sports programmes took the second place among all programmes, with the theatre and cinema performances and other programmes following them closely. The fact that the large part of the visitors are planning to attend the event again next year reflects satisfaction with the festival. 
The survey showed clearly that the event had reached its target audience, i.e. higher education students. Besides, the number of visitors (nearly 60 thousand) confirms that every July the youth of festivals represent themselves in Debrecen, as well.


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Bácsné Bába, Éva. (2014). Ha a hallgató vizsgáztat – elégedettségi vizsgálat a Campus Fesztivál 2013-on. Acta Scientiarum Socialium, 40, 51-60. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/asc/article/view/5211