A magyar közoktatás oktatási teljesítményének és finanszírozásának összehasonlítása 2000–2012 között nemzetközi szinten


  • Attila Madaras
  • József Varga


International comparison of the educational performance and financing of Hungarian public education between 2000–2012. Our study focuses on one of the strategic areas of competitiveness: the performance of education and the factors influencing it. In most countries, education is an important aspect of economic and social policy making. This article seeks to answer the question whether there is a link between the level of education funding and the performance of education – and if there is, how strong this link is.
Our hypothesis is that the level of education funding has a strong influence on the performance of education. One of the areas of our research is the analysis of PISA assessment results. We use the results of these competency tests to measure the effectiveness of public education in a country.  The other area we look at is the level of education funding.
Our article focuses on analysing – on an international level – how strong the link is between the level of education funding and PISA results. Our hypothesis can be considered proven because it can be clearly seen that in the long run, countries spending more on education have a more developed education system and usually better results on competency tests. Comparing the results of the four PISA tests between 2000 and 2009 with the level of education funding in 39 countries, we can see a fairly strong connection between these two factors. However, the increase in funding does not show a linear correlation with the increase in PISA results. Also, in European countries the link between funding and competency results appears to be weaker than in countries outside of Europe. 


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Az oktatási rendszer teljesítménye

Hogyan kell idézni

Madaras, A., & Varga, J. (2014). A magyar közoktatás oktatási teljesítményének és finanszírozásának összehasonlítása 2000–2012 között nemzetközi szinten. Acta Scientiarum Socialium, 40, 35-50. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/asc/article/view/5205