Are Teachers of Primary, Secondary and High Schools of Athens Engaged in the Four Dimensions of Distributed Leadership?
Teachers, Primary, Secondary, High Schools, Athens, LeadershipAbsztrakt
Distributed leadership is defined as a distributed leadership practice “stretched over the social and situational contexts of the school” (Spillane et al., 2004). Distributed leadership is about leadership practice and not leaders or their roles, functions or routines (Spillane et al, 2004; Spillane, 2006). It is based on cooperation between the members of an educational organisation. The purpose of this study is to investigate where the teachers of all school grades are engaged in the four dimensions of Distributed Leadership. The research questions of this study were answered using the Distributed Leadership Readiness Scale (DLRS), which is a self-evaluation scale developed by the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) to measure school’s readiness to distribute leadership and, therefore teachers’ engagement in leadership practices can be measured accordingly (Smith, 2007; Christy, 2008). The findings of the study revealed that distributed leadership practices are applied to Greek schools mostly in elementary and secondary schools, whereas high school teachers are not highly engaged with some of the distributed leadership dimensions.
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