„Múzeumok felsőfokon.” – Az egyetemek és múzeumok közötti együttműködés alternatívái, jó gyakorlatai


  • Anett Takács Kaposvári Egyetem Pedagógiai Kar -- Kaposvár University Faculty of Pedagogy


higher education, museum, Kaposvár University, museum pedagogy, Rippl-Rónai City Museum with County Range


’Museums on High Level’. Alternatives and Good Practice of the Cooperation between Universities and Museums The cooperation between museums and higher education has a long history. The strengthening of this relationship, its establishment and the 16+ age group (including higher education students as well) were targeted indeed at the National Museum Pedagogy Opening Ceremony of Year 2013. The study deals with the short survey of the present frameworks of the cooperation between universities and museums, the presentation of good practice and the description of the relationship between Kaposvár University and the sphere of museums. To sum up the examples given generally, we can talk about permanent practical connections between certain universities, or some academic specializations of some universities and museums (for example in the case of museologist, museum teacher and art trainings). There are good initiatives but the usage of museums built in university trainings is not widespread. Permanent cooperations between museums and universities are created rather through special collaborations. The relationship of Kaposvár University and the museums can be measured in the most simple way by the means of the Gallery of the Faculty of Arts (K. B. Gallery), the museum pedagogy courses of the Faculty of Pedagogy from the point of view of the training of the professional staff working in museums and by the means of the particular cooperations with museums. Kaposvár University is closely connected to Rippl-Rónai City Museum with County Range and the Open-Air Etnographic Museum of Szenna. The most important characteristic features of their cooperation are: some teachers use the exhibitions of the museums for demonstration, educational popular science lecture/seminar; some museum experts teach some courses at the university; it is a practice place in the case of certain majors; or the museum is a partner in a project (TIOP 1.2.2 The school-friendly development of museums and the strengthening of the infrastructure of their teaching and educational roles). Where/How can this connection be strengthened? Where can the museum be a partner in higher education? Almost anywhere. Some ideas: during programmes (venue of a conference, programme), institutional initiatives (for example: inserted into the work of special colleges), in teacher training as a methodological practice place.


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Hogyan kell idézni

Takács, A. (2015). „Múzeumok felsőfokon.” – Az egyetemek és múzeumok közötti együttműködés alternatívái, jó gyakorlatai. Acta Scientiarum Socialium, 43, 133-142. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/asc/article/view/372