A tanodahálózat szerepe és lehetőségei a hátrányos helyzetű gyermekek tehetséggondozásában


  • Brigitta Nagyné Árgány Kaposvári Egyetem Pedagógiai Kar -- Kaposvár University Faculty of Pedagogy


network of study halls, gifted children at a social disadvantages, the main role of study halls in Hungarian education


The Role and Possibilities of Study Hall Network in Talent Support of Disadvantaged Children Research of the last few years in education pointed out that Hungarian educational system increases and reproduces social inequality. We can carry on struggling with this phenomenon by programs that concentrate on the primary and secondary school years having the child-centered and competence-based education not only indoor but outdoor school activities in sight. Within the framework of the National Development Plan, the application system of Hungary since 2004, we can find opportunities to support social enterprises which have become known as the study hall („Tanoda”) program. These types of projects mainly aimed at helping the „Roma” minority children continue to learn and integrate them successfully into society. The present study introduces the connection between grades of education and employment in Hungary. It also deals with a possible long-term solution of this question focusing on study hall programs besides the main role of these programs in Hungarian education and in the education of talented children. Kaposvár University initiates a complex program which deals with gifted children at a social disadvantage from 3 to 6 classes. The present study also shows the central elements of this alternative program connected with a study hall project and also stresses the importance of the results of these organizations and the necessity to develop an informal/formal network.


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Hogyan kell idézni

Nagyné Árgány, B. (2015). A tanodahálózat szerepe és lehetőségei a hátrányos helyzetű gyermekek tehetséggondozásában. Acta Scientiarum Socialium, 43, 109-123. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/asc/article/view/369