A fiatalok kollégiumi közösségbe való beilleszkedésének segítése


  • Enikő Princz VM DASzK Szakképző Iskola - Móricz Zsigmond Mezőgazdasági Szakképző Iskolája, Kaposvár
  • Andrea Bencéné Fekete Kaposvári Egyetem Pedagógiai Kar -- Kaposvár University Faculty of Pedagogy


socialization, education in a residence hall, adapting, peer groups, adolescence, spending leisure time


Helping students adapt to the community of dormitories The literature I have studied provided a good background to map the mental and physiological background of the age bracket in question. My research revealed that family back-ground has a huge impact on an individual’s ability to adapt to new environments, to obey rules, and to solve problems. In a young person’s life peer groups play the most decisive role. A key factor for the adolescent population is leisure time, for which residence halls are supposed to offer proper programmes within their bounds.


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Hogyan kell idézni

Princz, E., & Bencéné Fekete, A. (2014). A fiatalok kollégiumi közösségbe való beilleszkedésének segítése. Acta Scientiarum Socialium, 41, 93-106. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/asc/article/view/341

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