Tamási leghátrányosabb helyzetű kistérség jelene és kitörési lehetőségei


  • Eszter Molnár Kaposvári Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar -- Kaposvár University Faculty of Economic Science
  • András Fehér Kaposvári Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar -- Kaposvár University Faculty of Economic Science


rural development, Tamási micro region, most disadvantaged micro region, economic sociology


The present situation and future possibilities of Tamási most disadvantaged micro region A research contract has been established in the framework of the Higher education and subregional partnership program between the National Development Agency and the University of Kaposvár in the spring of 2011. The subject of this research contract is „The University of Kaposvár, Faculty of Pedagogic and Economics’ program in Tamási micro region in the interest of the social networks in order to strengthening.” The research covered two semesters. During this period we organized three times practice field (so-called research camp) for the university's students, during these occasions we visited Tamási micro region’s all settlements. Our most important activity was to explore the value of inventory on the occasion of these research camps. The emphasis was on the human values, which is – as it turned out - always the most important factor in the development of settlements. One of the great results is that beyond in even the usual ‘hard’ (eg. local places of interest, tourist’s attractions, sights, etc.) resources a very large number of ‘soft’ elements (eg. community development for individuals, social networks, existing collaborations and cooperation potentials, etc) come to the surface, so these were realized not only by students, but also the head of the local stakeholders, too. We have received an ‘X-rays picture’ about Tamási micro region, on this ‘picture’ the areas of ‘ill’, problematic parts are clearly visible. We believe that the identified problems of Tamási micro region can be treated, solved and improved. Financial and professional support coming from below initiatives and in some villages a kind of change in approach among the local leaders and the public could be the most suitable and efficient solution.


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Folyóirat szám


Közpénzek, közigazgatás és területfejlesztés

Hogyan kell idézni

Molnár, E., & Fehér, A. (2013). Tamási leghátrányosabb helyzetű kistérség jelene és kitörési lehetőségei. Acta Scientiarum Socialium, 38, 239-254. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/asc/article/view/312

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