Hol terem a kékfrank? Lokális pénzformák, közösségi pénzrendszerek


  • Zsuzsanna Eszter Szalay Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Vállalatgazdaságtan Intézet


complementary currency, sustainable economy, EU directives, resilience, weak connections, Kékfrank, SCE


Where does Kékfrank grow? Local moneys, community currency systems The paper tells the history of Hungary’s first complementary currency voucher from its origin up to the beginning of 2011. The concerns of Kornai János regarding public funds (Mozgó Világ 2010/11) will be answered. After clarifying the main ideas relevant to the definitions of the economy along with money, the author will focus on unmasking faulty practices in the name of sustainable development. The paper will also address how weak connections play a stabilizing role in communities. This will be followed by describing the regulatory and market conditions as well as the economic history of today’s Kékfrank, a community currency from Sopron. Thereafter related EU directives will be named. A systematic list of the main features of Kékfrank will be provided. The author concludes that with the use of complementary currency, regions become highly resilient and adaptive in strengthening the national economy.


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Folyóirat szám


A helyi pénz története, elmélete és gyakorlata

Hogyan kell idézni

Szalay, Z. E. (2013). Hol terem a kékfrank? Lokális pénzformák, közösségi pénzrendszerek. Acta Scientiarum Socialium, 38, 83-90. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/asc/article/view/298