A felnőttkori formális és nem formális tanulás funkciói napjainkban


  • Mária Kispálné Horváth NYME, Savaria Egyetemi Központ Művészeti, Nevelés- és Sporttudományi Kar


the functions of adult learning, the functions aiming at labour market, the functions aiming at individual’s life quality, formal training, non-formal training


The author analyses the functions of adult education, their possible classification and the reasons of their changes in the first part of her thesis. In the second part she presents those results of a research carried out in 2011 which relate to aims and functions of adult learning. As a part of the questionnaire research she visited every institution of Szombathely which organizes formal and non-formal trainings. The writer received 83 answers from different organizations including profit (limited liability companies, limited partnerships, self-employed businesses, a corporation) and non-profit (associations, foundations, non-profit limited liability companies, a public utility company) institutions as well as public educational (elementary, second-ary and higher education institutions, cultural and community centres, libraries, a museum, a regional training centre) and church related institutions. The author col-lected data about the trainings in 2010, their types, functions, the typical participants, the number of adults and the possible input and output requirements. What is high-lighted in the analysis is the presentation of the functions aiming at labour market and individual’s life quality.


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Kispálné Horváth, M. (2012). A felnőttkori formális és nem formális tanulás funkciói napjainkban. Acta Scientiarum Socialium, 37, 223-231. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/asc/article/view/288