A Molnár-C. Pál Műterem– Múzeum kultúraközvetítő tevékenysége mint sajátos felnőttképzési modell


  • Erzsébet Magyar ELTE Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Kar


cultural institute, cultural capital, cultural mediation in museums, formal, nonformal, and informal learning of adults, methods of adult education in museums, organization of space and objects in museums, new ways of organizing culture


The Pál Molnár- C. Studio Museum, established in 1984, is one of those few private familial institutions that – besides preserving the memory of an admirable artist – offers a rich variety of creative and colourful programs by turning the museums into a community space. The permanent exhibition of the museum portrays the art of Pál Molnár-C. It focuses on different topics by continuously renewing the exhibited works of the artist. The temporary exhibition focuses on the works of Pál Molnár -C.’s contemporaries with the aid of the descendants taking care of the art’s bequest. This presentation aims to explore how the activity of the Pál Molnár C. Studio Museum can be related to the different aspects of formal and informal learning, adult education and training, and to the different forms of lifelong learning in the museums. My work, on the one hand, intends to present the values of the museum merging into a philosophy, and on the other hand, it reveals the aims, the activities and the conceptions laying behind the exhibitions as reflections to the philosophy of the museum. The rich variety of the goals can form a network serving as a basis for a strategy. Besides the traditional functions of a museum, the Pál Molnár- C. Studio Museum offers new perspectives on the areas of museum services, professional training, local cultural value preservation and local community building. The presentation will also deal with the relations of the objects and spaces in the museum, with the role of technical aspects and the questions of the protection of art relics, and finally, with the brochures and relationship networks of the museum. The research employs the following methods: exploration of family narratives, interviews with the owners and visitors, document analysis, observations and questionnaires.  


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A felnőttképzés sajátos területei

Hogyan kell idézni

Magyar, E. (2012). A Molnár-C. Pál Műterem– Múzeum kultúraközvetítő tevékenysége mint sajátos felnőttképzési modell. Acta Scientiarum Socialium, 37, 79-84. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/asc/article/view/273