Az amerikai közszolgálati felnőttképzés gyakorlata egy esettanulmány tükrében


  • Ágota Dobos Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem


civil service, professional development, leadership training, functional competency development, practice-oriented American training philosophy, training strategies, qualitativecase study


During the past decade, but nowadays in particular, the moderniza-tion tendencies characterizing Hungarian public administration have resulted in new requirements concerning the operation of public administration and public organiza-tions, as well as public services, which have evident impacts on the professional train-ing and development needs of the civil service personnel. These changes in the atti-tudes raise the importance of competencies necessary for the more efficient and effec-tive work performance and mark a shift in the appreciation of functional orientation in competency development. In the background of new challenges functional goals and objectives are taking shape, which are quite similar to those relevant to the U.S. civil service. Despite the historical, social and cultural differences, the goals set by the development strategies of the Hungarian civil service, tend to approach the practice-oriented American training philosophy focusing on the organizational and individual needs. The popularization of the adult training practice based on the principles of modern andragogy and training methodology could bring about a change of para-digms in the Hungarian training and professional development practice. The field research and the case study were implemented in the United States in the summer of 2010 as a part of a complex interdisciplinary research. The field research was aiming at the exploration, understanding and analysis of the specific training practices ap-plied by institutions responsible for the professional development and leadership training of civil servants 


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Dobos, Ágota. (2012). Az amerikai közszolgálati felnőttképzés gyakorlata egy esettanulmány tükrében. Acta Scientiarum Socialium, 37, 9-27.