Női vezetők a Dél-Dunántúlon
manager, career, motivation, conflict managementAbsztrakt
Female Managers in South Transdanubia.In the last one hundred years women’s life has changed radically both in Hungary and worldwide. Comparing to earlier historical periods their life has become more open. The traditional outlook on women’s tasks as including only the upbringing of the children and the care of the family and the household has been relegated to the background. Women have discov-ered that they can achieve as much as men. They can perform successfully at the same universities, and meet the same requirements in other spheres of social life, as those who belong to the „stronger” gender. Today more and more research proves that in certain managerial qualities like empathy, situation awareness, conflict management, women perform better than male managers. In our research we wanted to know how a female manager can cope with her tasks in the 21th century. We paid special attention to exploring the personal features of female managers and their position in the workplace. We examined the career versus family problem, whether „singleton lifestyle” can be considered as an advantage if a woman wants to be a manager as well as other factors influencing the female managers’ position in the labour market. We also investigated what factors influence conflict management, motivation and what factors are important to perform successfully in their everyday work. In order to achieve our objective, we carried out a questionnaire survey asking 160 female managers at basic, middle, and top level in Hungary’s South Transdanubian region.
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Női szerepek és élethelyzetek a 19-21. században
Hogyan kell idézni
Póra, G., Kűmüves, Z., & Hortváthné Petrás, V. (2017). Női vezetők a Dél-Dunántúlon. Acta Scientiarum Socialium, 47. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/asc/article/view/2224