Where the visible and the invisible meet


  • Zsófia Szabó MATE KC Rippl-Rónai Művészeti Intézet, szabo.zsofia@uni-mate.hu


horizon, installation, photography, contemporary art, illusion, point of view


To look down from the heights of the mountains, to get lost in the endless horizon of the sea, to gaze up at the stars, to see great distances – this gives the human eye the illusion of freedom. Although it would be important to emphasize the aesthetic category of the ’sublime’ when discussing such a subject, because the approach has changed in some ways, – before the Romantic era, the mountain was more a formation that disturbed the symmetry of nature, and the ocean was “an object of no small terror” (Edmund Burke) – this short text is not so ambitious. It merely attempts to contemplate the concept of the horizon through the work of some contemporary artists. The selections are definitely subjective and arbitrary, and the analyses are more personal reflections, quiet meditations on horizons and perspectives in the light of artists' interpretations.


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