CULTURE. The Landscape as Biological and Social Living Space, 2013


  • Mária Pecsics MATE Rippl-Rónai Művészeti Intézet,



culture, landscape, nature, representation, philosophy


This excerpt from the DLA dissertation of Mária Pecsics places her CULTURA photo series in a broader philosophical context. The first chapter traces the historically changing definition of landscape and points out that this term that is differentiated from Nature is a philosophical creation. The second section examines the connoted cultural meanings of the seemingly objective approaches of sciences. It shows our relationship to the environment and how this defines individual and community consciousness through the myths and the different nuances of the term ‘landscape’ in different languages. The third part focuses on representations of landscape and the tools as products of human culture (from maps to satellite imagery) that complement our perception and spatial orientation. These utensils help domesticate nature while reshaping humankind.


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How to Cite

CULTURE. The Landscape as Biological and Social Living Space, 2013. (2023). ARTCADIA, 2(2), 5-22.