Sport and Spiritual Life – Insights From Survey Research in the Mária Maraton Project
In Hungary, the Mária Maraton is an almost decade-long project. However, like many other community activities, it was non-operational during the COVID pandemic. This study aims to present pilgrimage tourism, primarily from the perspective of its participants. The investigation is facilitated by a comprehensive survey conducted by the Mária Út Association and its partners, who sought new tools to promote pilgrimage and Mary’s Route. The survey examined two target groups. First, it focused on those engaged in community and/or personal development as their main occupation or as volunteers. Second, a questionnaire was administered to a target group interested in the topic, through whose opinions we can learn about their general views on the significance of pilgrimages and whether sports, which can appeal to both believers and non-believers, could be a new tool for promoting pilgrimages and sacred sites.
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Other sources: (download date: May 5, 2024)
Kápolnai Zsombor (Mary’s Route executive director) May-July 2024
Dr. Zsófia Galgócziné Szabó, Mary’s Route Coordinator, July 2024
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