Open space design in historically sensitive environment
History and results of a seminar
open space, garden history, historical garden, historic environment, reconstructive renewal, rephrasing, revivalism, contrasting, case studyAbstract
At the Landscape Architecture Faculty of the Corvinus University of Budapest there was an optional seminar for four years, until recently, with the title Design in historical environment,1 held by the two authors of this paper who teach at two different departments. The course was preceded by years of planning. This planning process was slow and periodical. We were motivated mostly by the high appreciation of each other’s expertise and the need to combine our knowledge for some common purpose in a manner that, besides learning from each other, our students can also take advantage of this joint endeavour. Later, the good atmosphere during the courses proved that we could achieve our goal. Our policy goal was to demonstrate that teachers in the training scattered between various training directions are capable of cooperation and develop a new quality of cooperation.
Balogh Péter István Balogh: Szabadtér-tervezés történeti környezetben, 4D Tájépítészeti és Kertművészeti Folyóirat, 2006/3, 38–44.
Balogh Péter István: Landscape design in a historical environment, 4D Tájépítészeti és Kertművészeti Folyóirat, 2006/3, pp. 38-44.
Csepely-Knorr Luca: Budapesti közparkok koncepciói a századfordulón, Diplomamunka, ELTE Művészettörténeti Intézet, 2010, 68-69.
Dezső Radó: Budapesti parkok és terek (Parks and spaces in Budapest) Budapest 1985, p. 111.
Eszter Geszti: A nagytétényi kastély története (The history of the Nagytétény Manor), in Magyar Műemlékvédelem 1969–1970, Budapest 1972, pp. 53-61.
Gombos Zoltán: Régi kertek Pesten és Budán, Budapest 1974
Kristóf Fatsar: Magyarországi barokk kertművészet (Baroque garden art in Hungary) Budapest 2008, catalogue item Nr. 79.
Luca Csepely-Knorr: Budapesti közparkok koncepciói a századfordulón (Concepts of public parks in Budapest at the turn of the last century) Master's Thesis, ELTE Institute of Art History, 2010
Raymund Rapaics: Magyar kertek (Hungarian gardens) Budapest, no year. [1940], pp. 279-280.
Zoltán Gombos: Régi kertek Pesten és Budán (Old gardens in Pest and Buda) Budapest 1974, pp. 105-119.
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