The World as Space - Space as World


  • Etelka Béri Kaposvári Egyetem PK, Idegen Nyelvi és Irodalmi Módszertani Tanszék


How has the interpretation of the notion of space changed through the centuries? How has it become an interdisciplinary category through its historical development? How does the space experience of the identity manifest itself? These important questions, listed and verbalized after Eco, are raised and left open/ unanswered by my analysis. The 20th century interpreted space as a factor creating sense and as the continuation/elongation of the innermost world of humans. As the projection of the notion of space, the individual creates spatial structures which are understood as independent factors of reality. The experienced space presupposes a certain kind of horizon of knowledge, on the basis of which a specific community is able to define itself. Things do not simply fill up space, but define space itself by their being/existing in space. Modern space is not interpreted as lack but as a continually changing, metamorphosing being, constituted by things existing as places.

Author Biography

  • Etelka Béri, Kaposvári Egyetem PK, Idegen Nyelvi és Irodalmi Módszertani Tanszék



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How to Cite

The World as Space - Space as World. (2009). Training and Practice : Journal of Educational Sciences, 7(1-2), 122-130.