Change in drought conditions of Pinus nigra stands in Hungary
Austrian pine, Byram-Keetch Drought Index, drying, fire danger, needle litter, water contentAbstract
Planting of Austrian pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) has been in progress for 150 years in Hungary and causes many nature conservation and economic problems. The pine stands eliminate the species rich dolomite rock grassland vegetation. Important additional problems are the frequent forest fires which cause grave damages. The risk of fire initiation in the pinewood depends on the amount of available fuel, the existing meteorological factors and the drought conditions. In our study we determined the temporal change in water content of the accumulated needle litter. The needle litter samples were collected from 48 pine stands, and their water contents were determined by measuring fresh- and dry weights. Number of days since last rain was counted using the rainfall data of Budapest-Lőrinc meteorological station. The water content of accumulated needle litter was represented graphically as a function of days since last rain. The water content of needle litter showed exponential decrease with the increase of days since last rain.
The annual change in drought conditions was examined by means of Byram-Keetch Drought Index (BKDI), which is the water deficit (expressed in mm-equivalent) in the upper 200 mm layer of the litter and soil. The BKDI depends on the amount of last net rain and the number of days since last rain. The daily increase of BKDI (which shows the drying rate) can be calculated from the daily maximum temperature and the daily rainfall.
To analyse the annual trend of BKDI we used the daily maximum temperature and daily rainfall as measured at Budapest-Lőrinc station from 1993 to 2002. On the basis of these data the daily BKDI’s were calculated from 1993 to 2002. The annual means of BKDI were counted from the daily BKDI values. This mean was the highest in 2000 (48.9 mm-equivalent), so this was the most droughty year. 1998 proved to be the wettest year, the annual mean of BKDI was 16.6 mm-equivalent. The annual maximum values of BKDI were determined, too. The highest BKDI between years 1993 and 2002 was 119.5 mm-equivalent, which prevailed on September 1st, 2000.
The means of BKDI were calculated on every decade from the daily BKDI values, and the annual change in these means were counted in the 10 studied years both separately and together. Our results clearly demonstrate that the BKDI begins to increase in April, reaches its maximum (72.8 mm-equivalent) in the last decade of August and after a continuous decrease falls to zero by the end of December. Consequently, regarding fire-risk the most crucial months are August and September, because the drought is the greatest at this time. The first decade of August is the hottest period in the year (average daily maximum temperature: 28.9 °C), so the drying is the most intensive in this term. The temperature requirement for drying is a daily maximum of 10 °C or above, that prevails from the middle of March to early November in the studied region.
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