A szubjektív kockázat szerepe az élelmiszerfogyasztói magatartásban a madárinfluenza járvány példáján keresztül


  • Annamária Fürediné Kovács Szent István Egyetem, Gazdaság- és Társadalomtudományi Kar, Marketing Intézet (Szent István University, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Marketing Institute) H-2103 Gödöllő, Páter K. u. 1.


Recently there has been a lot of news in the media about the dangers in food safety. This has clearly increased the risk responsiveness of the consumers related to edibles. In food marketing therefore one central question is the examination of how and with which tools these subjective risks, ie. the dangers observed by the consumers, can be reduced. In a study I have analysed what kind of impacts bird flu had on the consumer behaviour in 2005. According to the results of a survey prepared with students of higher education (n=839), I studied these effects of the zoonotical illness, which is a humane hygienic problem not reported by experts.




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