Reklámstratégiák fogyasztói megítélése egyes funkcionális élelmiszereknél, kiemelten a tej és tejtermékek példáján


  • Szilárd Berke Kaposvári Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar (University of Kaposvár, Faculty of Economics) H-7400 Kaposvár, Guba S. u. 40.
  • Ákos Varga Kaposvári Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar (University of Kaposvár, Faculty of Economics) H-7400 Kaposvár, Guba S. u. 40.


Our last primary research aimed at looking trough the commercial strategies on the dairy products’ market. The efficiency of the advertisements is weakened before they appear in the media mainly by the customers’ (about 66%) ignorance about functional food products. A further challenge is that the aimed clusters’ (for example people between 18 and 30) main information source is the tele - vision. This fact makes it harder for the small and middle-sized companies to break out (which are very active in this segment). Another difficulty is that only 10,9 percent of the asked persons have positive attitude to commercials. 28,5 percent of them are avoiders, 32,8 percent are moderate-avoiders. The persons with the strongest aversion to commercials are between 18 and 30. Only 22,8 percent of them think that commercials can be effective to teach about healthy lifestyle. It means that they do not make inquiries about dairy products from commercials which makes harder to build up values. most of them (38,4 percent) could not recall any campaign about healthy living. However, there were some, like Danone Actimel and flora pro active television commercials.




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