Egészséges táplálkozást támogató húskészítmények termékinnovációja a Kaiser Food Kft-nél


  • Éva Pénzes Kaiser Food Élelmiszer-ipari Kft. (Kaiser Food Ltd.) H-9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Szent István király út 112.


In Hungary a lot of diseases and causes of death could be avoided, if we aimed at the healthy way of living more consciously. One of the most important parts of the healthy way of life is the proper and well-balanced nourishment. Different types of meats and meat products are considered important elements of nourishment with full value. There are many reasons for why it is important to consume meat in order to save our health: it is a source of valuable protein, fat and vitamines, it plays an important role in the mineral supply of our constitution, and has a valuable microelement content. It is characteristic of the meat products supporting healthy lifestyle is that they have high and valuable protein content, relatively low fat and salt content, natural spices and extracts. Only the necessary amount of preservatives and additives are included. The foreign trends are justified by surveys, but the Hungarian researches also prove that the customers aim is to live a more health-consious life, they searches for good quality meals and products. The Kaiser Food Ltd. – following the trend – directs its innovative work according to this. The birth of the Béres Alexandra product group in 2007 was preceded by careful and professional preparation. Nevertheless, the success of these products did not reach the expected level. After analyzing the reasons, the company decided to re-enter health protective products, removing all the difficulties that interfered with the acceptance of these products on appropriate the level. So, the Weight-control meat products will be characterized by more favourable price, the new product sortiment and new design. These products will also be supported by intensive re-entering marketing work of the company.




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