Ca-ban dúsított élelmiszerek kifejlesztése és fogyasztói fogadtatása


  • Sándor Szakály Pécsi Milker Élelmiszertudományi Kft. (Pécsi Milker Food Science Co. Ltd.) H-7622 Pécs, Nyírfa u. 2/a.
  • Béla Schäffer Pécsi Milker Élelmiszertudományi Kft. (Pécsi Milker Food Science Co. Ltd.) H-7622 Pécs, Nyírfa u. 2/a.
  • Beáta Keller Pécsi Milker Élelmiszertudományi Kft. (Pécsi Milker Food Science Co. Ltd.) H-7622 Pécs, Nyírfa u. 2/a.
  • Zoltán Szakály Kaposvári Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Marketing és Kereskedelem Tanszék (University of Kaposvár, Faculty of Economics, Department of Marketing and Trade) H-7400 Kaposvár, Guba S. u. 40.


The silent epidemy, the osteoporosis lasting for decades has been further spread in Hungary parallel with the decrease of dairy product consumption, due to which not only the daily Ca-intake decreases, but the Ca:P ratio of the organism obtained by nutrition is going from bad to worse, as well. In the short term this process seems to be neither stoppable, nor even reversible. Considering this, all kinds of development are necessary which aim at the improvement of Ca:P ratio of foodstuffs with phosphorus predominance at least to 1:1. We have developed different additives and their production processes which are suitable to supplement or enrich foodstuffs containing surplus phosphorus with Ca. The common characteristics of these additives are the high (10-30%) calcium and the low (0-0.5%) phosporus content, so their Ca:P ratio is at least 20:1, and they contain Ca either in themselves or during the food processing mainly (min. 90%) in organic form, and either in themselves or together with the foodstuffs they contain the adjuvants (e.g. lactose, oligosaccharides, proteins, Mg, microelements, vitamins), which guarantee the absorption of Ca into the organism and its incorporation in bones. With the help of a model food the absorption and incorporation have clinically been proved. Using the additive-food developed meat products and bakery products have been supplemented and enriched, respectively, and their market acceptance has also been examined. Based on the data of the marketing survey we have concluded that the consumers did not find any essential organoleptic difference between the traditional products and their counterparts supplemented or enriched with Ca, and in case of the same price they would choose the enriched products.




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