Tendenciák az ökoélelmiszerek fogyasztásában és értékesítésében


  • Viktória Szente Kaposvári Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Piacgazdasági és Marketing Tanszék (University of Kaposvár, Faculty of Economics, Department of Marketing) H-7400 Kaposvár, Guba S. u. 40.


In Europe the dynamical development of organic food market seems to stop. Besides the declining activity of the producers the potential of the increasing consumption decreases as well. Today we can observe a positive tendency in Hungary: due to the development of trade the organic consumption is rising which is perceptible mainly in case of the basic foods, such as vegetables and fruits, milk and dairy products, bakery products. The consumers are looking for the cheaper products which are available in hiper- and supermarkets. The increasing consumption is hindered by the small ground-space, the absence or restricted numbers of technical instruments, release certificates are difficult and expensive to obtain and the sellers are sometimes underqualified. Another positive change is that home delivery, which was little known at the beginning, has moved out from the standstill: the consumers are able to buy 100% organic food packages in more and more towns. An increasing number of little processors can be observed on the market with more differentiated and already forgotten products. In bio- and reform stores consumers can get a wider range of organic products. But as a food chain, the organic market is the most successful, in Csörsz Street in Budapest the demand is almost unsatisfiable. In the purchase of organic products the main anomaly it meant by the measure which came into force on 1 July 2005. According to the EGK 2092/91 and 392/2004 EK order every organic food trader (bio- and reform stores, hyper- and supermarkets and other food retailers and wholesalers) has to have the products controlled. But the efficiency of the regulation can be queried, which raises several questions. In the future the supply will probably predominate. Due to the reduced support a further decrease of the organic area can be expected. The sustenance and increase of the consumption level is only possible by an increasing marketing activity in which positioning for healthiness plays an important part. The consumer should mean the main the pulling power of the market.




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