Kalciumban dús élelmiszerek hatása a csontvesztésre osteoporosisban


  • Mária Figler Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Egészségtudományi Kar (Pécs University, Faculty of Health Sciences) H-7632 Pécs, Rét u. 4.


The human body contains about 1.5 percent of calcium which is a very important constituent of the bones. According to the OÉTI (National Nutritional Institute) the diet of the Hungarian population is low in calcium, so the risk of developing osteoporosis is becoming high. In our institute we have carried out a research to see how the diets of different origin and of high calcium content can influence bone-resorption in patients with osteoporosis and osteopenia compared to the results of medicinal treatment. According to our clinical examinations the dairy products that are enriched in calcium (the Kalci-milk, the Huncult and the Bonolact Tejminerál) are more efficient in the treatment of osteoporosis than the pharmaceuticals which are used for healing it.




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