Innováció és marketing a sajtok piacán - új termékek, új csatornák fejlesztése egy családi tejfeldolgozó üzem példáján


  • Linda Egyed Fino-food Kft. (Fino-Food Ltd.) H-7400 Kaposvár, Izzó u. 9.
  • Balázs Olivér Székely Kaposvári Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Piacgazdasági és Marketing Tanszék (University of Kaposvár, Faculty of Economics, Department of Marketing) H-7400 Kaposvár, Guba S. u. 40.
  • Zoltán Szakály Kaposvári Egyetem, Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Piacgazdasági és Marketing Tanszék (University of Kaposvár, Faculty of Economics, Department of Marketing) H-7400 Kaposvár, Guba S. u. 40.


According to the market researches of recent years it can be established that on the Hungarian dairy market cheese consumption is the segment which shows an increasing tendency. The accession of Hungary to the European Union contributes to the favourable market trends which is an advantageous tendency. The only problem is that the increase in the market is mostly realised in the segment of import products. This trend has no positive effects on the Hungarian producers, because they have no profit from that consumption increase, what is more they have new market competitors. Furthermore it can be stated, that the level of milk and dairy product consumption with the approximately 6 kg/head/year is much lower than in the other EU member states, which is an unfavourable fact considering the positive nourishing benefits of cheese products. In Hungary the level of cheese consumption is not only low as well but it has a special structure due to the high popularity of portsalut cheese as well. The low cheese consumption level is partly due to the lack of solvent demand, on the other hand is due to the lack of knowledge considering the favourable nutrition-biological effects of cheese. These are the most determining conditions of the present Hungarian cheese market that the market participants have to calculate with. Furthermore it can be drawn up that the biggest marketing challenge of present consumer's society is the constant and thorough research of the consumers' habits, preferences and attitudes, consequently the consumers' behaviour as well as a continuous and deep research of the fellow competitors. In 2003 the Fino-food Kft. which is a 100 percent family owned enterprise with a middle sized dairy factory had to make a decision: What to do with their dairy plant in Tamási which was built in 1889 and does not correspond to the EU hygiene requirements? They decided not to close down the plant but to build a brand new modern one in Kaposvár. They decided so because they wanted to save workplaces and they believed in their strategy which is based on the present situation of the Hungarian dairy market.




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